How to save time  money by managing meeting effectively

How to Save Time and Money by Managing Meetings Effectively


This booklet is for pragmatists who want to help themselves and others make a difference by effectively preparing for and facilitating meetings, to achieve greater results.


We are sure that you will find plenty of ideas from the 101 tips in this booklet to enable you to run effective, focused meetings that will add real value to you and your organisation. We encourage you to keep this booklet handy and dip into it on a regular basis. Mark the pages, underline or highlight important points, make notes and commit to taking action. Think about who else to involve. Perhaps buy a copy for your team or people who lead meetings in your organisation.

Most importantly, remember that reading the booklet is only the first stage. If you are serious about managing meetings effectively, decide what you want to achieve and then take action… in essence, Make a Difference.

In this booklet, you will discover:

  • 11 pre-meeting preparation tips
  • 10 ways to develop an effective agenda
  • 10 tips about involving others before a meeting
  • 11 logistical practicalities to consider
  • 9 techniques to get the most from a meeting
  • 13 ways to ensure a good start to a meeting
  • 5 ideas to make an agenda more productive
  • 17 tips about facilitating group dynamics
  • 12 suggestions for allocating tasks and action planning
  • 3 important things to do after a meeting
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