Go M.A.D. Thinking
Pocket Gate Farm, off Breakback Road
Woodhouse Eaves
LE12 8RS
United Kingdom
Please note we are in a beautiful remote location and it’s easy to get lost on the way to the farm!

Pocket Gate Farm, Off Breakback Road, Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire, LE12 8RS
Please be aware: Some Satnav systems will take you down Brook Road (opposite the Old Bulls Head pub). Do not go this way as it is a gated road with no access to the farm by car. If you use Satnav please use the postcode LE12 8RS and select Breakback Road. Alternatively refer to the map below or other navigation methods.
SatNav users
Please note if you use Satnav please use the postcode LE12 8RS and select Breakback Road. Do not go down Brook Road (opposite The Old Bulls head) this is a gated road with no access by road.
Google / Apple Maps: You can find us by searching “Go M.A.D. Thinking” or using the address “Pocket Gate Farm, off Breakback Road in Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire,
What Three Words users
If you are a What Three Words user, you can find us using the following grid references – follow the links to Google Maps, City Mapper, Bing and Waze for directions.
Entrance to Brook Lane from Breakback Road:
Entrance to the car park:
If you need extra assistance please call the office number on 01509 891 313