Your culture impacts your results. So what do you do if you’re not getting the results you need?

Is it time to change the way your people do things in your organisation?

Part of the leadership challenge is to ‘disrupt’ the current way of doing things by:
  • identifying the people factors that prevent effective performance
  • stopping them or challenging people to find new ways of working.

At Go M.A.D., we have done this for you – by identifying the top 50 factors which prevent effective team productivity.

Take the 3-minute challenge to find out what’s stopping you from getting the results you want.


Book a call with one of our Thinking Engineers and discover the three factors impacting your culture.

Uncover the key factors impacting performance in 3 minutes (4)


Even the “best” companies can suffer from cultural pitfalls – being too comfortable and internally not adapting fast enough to external change. In a world that’s demanding better results and constant improvement, there are times when culture must evolve.

Successful cultural change only happens when behaviours change – not just structures and systems.  And leading the people side of change can be hard, especially when habits and comfort zones have been formed.

That’s why it is important, when there’s a need for improved results, that organisations focus on changing mindsets and habits. 

By helping your employees learn how to change and improve their thinking, they’ll develop a continuous improvement mindset, and a sense of purpose and ownership. They then become empowered to tackle their own
problems and issues – so that leaders and managers don’t have to do it all for them!

That’s where we come in.

For over 27 years, we have been transforming results, and engaging leaders to solve problems by thinking differently. We specialise in the people side of change and will work with you to give your leaders and their teams the mindset to transform results and enable change.

Meet T.R.E.C.® (Transforming Results and Enabling Change).


T.R.E.C.® (Transforming Results and Enabling Change) is a  2-year Cultural Transformation and Business Improvement Programme – like no other!

It’s the only transformation journey in the world that gives you a quadruple impact in your organisation. It guarantees a multiple return on investment, enhanced leadership capability, team development, and social impact.

Whatever your business challenges, T.R.E.C.® will equip your leaders and teams with 25 best practices, researched and proven over 27 years to improve productivity and performance.

These tools and techniques not only transform business results but will also change the way people THINK – to positively impact their work and their lives.

So, how big a difference do you want to make?


Guaranteed results. If you don’t see a return on your investment within three months, we’ll continue to work for free until you do.


Give your leaders a top drawer full of practical tools and techniques to create breakthroughs, solve problems, and engage their teams to think differently.


Embed a shared thinking system and common language, proven to increase productivity and performance.

Enable your employees to gift ThinkOn® (the only mobile app designed to transform the way people THINK) to family, friends and the wider community. Create a ripple effect and witness the impact you make in the world..


  • A minimum of 30 leaders and their teams, will be equipped with all the Go M.A.D. tools and techniques they need to transform results and enable change.
  • Using the Catalyst app, leaders and teams will identify the real issues impacting productivity and performance and then implement the best practices proven to address these.
  • Teams will work on 30, 60, or 90-day Improvement Challenges to achieve their goals, as agreed by Sponsors.
  • You’ll be helped to identify Continuous Improvement (C.I.) Coaches who will deliver 60-minute C.I. facilitated workouts with team leaders, to offer on-going support and guidance. Your C.I. Coaches will receive unlimited coaching support from the Go M.A.D. team.
  • You’ll have regular reviews to ensure you’re on track to hit your performance targets.
  • All employees (up to 5,000) will receive access to all Go M.A.D.’s tools and techniques – in the handy ThinkOn® app.


Find out more about T.R.E.C.®. Download the prospectus for more information.

Go M.A.D. Thinking - Transform Results and Enable Change (T.R.E.C) - For Mitie


To start your cultural transformation or find out more about our quadruple impact, book a call with one of our Thinking Engineers.

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inspiring and empowering leaders to develop high-performaing teams

Quickly and easily diagnose team performance issues and priorities. Instantly access tailored tips, tools, and techniques proven to improve team productivity – all within 3 minutes!

Then engage your teams to do likewise.

Catalyst App Screen shots (15)

“The impact of Go M.A.D. Thinking has been significant on our business in a variety of different ways. It’s allowed us to deliver some fantastic improvement projects very quickly and very effectively. It’s also provided us with a common language across the business and given people the confidence to take on change in a much more proactive and effective way.

The philosophy of short, sharp improvement projects is really effective. It has forced us to think about how we implement change and then how we embed change thereafter. Using the Go M.A.D. Results Framework in a proper and concise way has really helped us become more effective and efficient in the way we deliver projects.

What Go M.A.D. has done for me personally is to remind me that I shouldn’t be fixing things all the time and coming up with solutions. I should be asking really great questions which enable other people to learn and for them to deliver even better solutions than I would.”

– Chris Jowsey, CEO. Admiral Taverns