Unlocking Nursing Potential.

Inefficient e-rostering meant one NHS Trust relied heavily on nursing agency support which in turn meant high agency costs, low stability, poor efficiency and a detrimental impact on nurse wellbeing.

90 leaders (band 5 to Chief Nurse level) undertook 30, 60 & 90-day improvement challenges using our solution focused methodology and practical problem solving toolkit. The results were fantastic!

  • A collective mindset shift in just 30 days
  • £758,000 agency cost savings achieved in 90 days
  • Key clinical indicators turned from red to green

Thinking Differently.

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust needed to identify £9.9m annual cost savings. The challenge for the Finance Director was daunting based on recalled memories. Creative solutions were needed.

An internal ThinkOn® master coach was supported to design and facilitate a series of cost saving innovation workshops. These proved to be a great success!

  • Hundreds of possibilities were created
  • £11.6m cost savings were realised
  • Over 20 additional ideas were identified for subsequent years

Coaching 300 People in 90 Minutes.

How do you train hundreds of nurses to learn and apply great coaching skills in just 90 minutes?

300 nurses were trained, at their annual nursing conference, in using the ThinkOn® Coaching Cards to have more purposeful and productive conversations.

See how the Director of Nursing led a high impact engagement session to demonstrate the power of asking the right question, at the right time, to the right person.

Changing Culture One Conversation at a Time.

Unproductive meetings and ineffective 1:1 conversations is a common cultural problem for many NHS Trusts. Cultural transformation requires a shift in mindsets (not just processes) to embed a new way of thinking.

One Trust shifted their culture by developing 40 ThinkOn® ‘Master Coaches’ to improve and remove their meetings and conversations using a proven 12-point implementation plan. This led to:

  • More purposeful and productive conversations
  • Enhanced  continuous improvement activities
  • A practical problem solving toolkit being widely shared

Securing £1.5 Million in Funding.

Unproductive meetings and ineffective 1:1 conversations is a common cultural problem for many NHS Trusts. Cultural transformation requires a shift in mindsets (not just processes) to embed a new way of thinking.

One Trust shifted their culture by developing 40 ThinkOn® ‘Master Coaches’ to improve and remove their meetings and conversations using a proven 12-point implementation plan. This led to:

  • More purposeful and productive conversations
  • Enhanced  continuous improvement activities
  • A practical problem solving toolkit being widely shared


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